• Phone: 747-212-3441
  • Advanced Illness Management: 747-307-3708
  • Fax: 747-273-0965

1560 E. Chevy Chase Dr., Suite 355
Glendale, CA 91206

Mon-Fri: 8 a.m. – 12 p.m.
1:30 p.m. – 5 p.m.

Gynecological Services

Serving many of your women’s health needs

Did you know your primary care physician can handle many of your gynecological needs? Read on to find out the many reasons why Vituity Family Medicine Center is a great choice for your women’s healthcare needs.

Vituity Family Medicine Center is here to care for all of you.
Call us to make an appointment: 747-212-3441.

Primary care physicians (PCPs) train in women’s health.

All PCPs, family medicine physicians, and family nurse practitioners have extensive training in women’s health. At Vituity Family Medicine Center, residents work with experienced faculty members and commit time to women’s health. They regularly address women’s health problems, such as menstrual disorder, birth control counseling, pap tests, yeast infections, urinary tract infections, and sexually transmitted diseases.

PCPs know you.

Once you have established care with a primary care physician, you benefit from having continuous connection with your care providers. Your doctor knows your health goals and struggles and can apply your overall healthcare approach to your gynecology services. They take time to track your health and can recognize early signs of issues and counsel when evaluating tests or treatment. They build care designed around you!

PCPs understand your big picture.

Your primary care physician understands your entire health picture. They are not zeroed in on one body system, but on you as a whole person.

It’s economical.

Typically, copays for specialists cost more. By relying on your primary care provider, you can save money on your overall visit. PCPs address many women’s health concerns. If your problems land outside of their scope of care, they will refer you to a specialist. They team with you to determine when it is appropriate to see a specialist or gynecologist and can recommend local providers they trust.

“Empowering women to embrace their health journey is my passion. I am commintted to working alongside each patient, and helping to guide their wellness journeys.”

Learn more about Dr. Cooperman

Jolie Cooperman, MD

Call 747-212-3441 to make an appointment for Vituity Family Medicine services!